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Criminal Statutes Most Frequently Used in Immigration Prosecution

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U.S. Code Description
08 USC 01253 Alien hindering his/her removal from the US
08 USC 01306 Immigration - Penalties
08 USC 01323 Unlawful bringing of aliens into US
08 USC 01324 Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
08 USC 01324a Unlawful employment of aliens
08 USC 01325 Entry of alien at improper time or place; etc.
08 USC 01326 Reentry of deported alien
18 USC 00003 Accessory after the fact
18 USC 00004 Misprision of Felony
18 USC 00111 Assaulting, resisting, impeding certain officers
18 USC 00371 Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud US
18 USC 00545 Smuggling goods into the United States
18 USC 00554 Smuggling goods from the United States
18 USC 00751 Escape - Prisoners in custody
18 USC 00758 High speed flight from immigration checkpoint
18 USC 00875 Interstate Communications
18 USC 00911 False personification - Citizen of the US
18 USC 00912 False personification - Officer or employee of US
18 USC 00922 Firearms; Unlawful acts
18 USC 00924 Firearms; Penalties
18 USC 01001 Fraud/false statements or entries generally
18 USC 01015 Fraud - Natzation, citizenship, alien registry
18 USC 01028 Fraud and related activity - id documents
18 USC 01028A Aggravated Identity Theft
18 USC 01203 Kidnapping - Hostage taking
18 USC 01425 Procurement of citizenship or naturalization unlaw
18 USC 01519 Destruct, alter, falsify records in fed. investigations and bankruptcy
18 USC 01542 False statement in application and use of passport
18 USC 01543 Forgery or false use of passport
18 USC 01544 Misuse of passport
18 USC 01546 Fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents
18 USC 01956 Laundering of monetary instruments
18 USC 02237 Criminal Sanction for Failure to heave to or provide false information
18 USC 02252 Material involving sexual exploitation of minors
18 USC 03144 Release or detention of a material witness
18 USC 03146 Penalty for failure to appear
18 USC 03565 Revocation of probation
18 USC 03583 Term of supervised release after imprisonment
18 USC 04082 Commitment to AG; residential treatment
19 USC 01459 Reporting requirements for individuals
21 USC 00841 Drug Abuse Prevention & Control-Prohibited acts A
21 USC 00846 Attempt and conspiracy
21 USC 00952 Importation of controlled substances
21 USC 00963 Attempt and conspiracy
26 USC 05861 Tax on Making Firearms - Prohibited acts
42 USC 00408 Fed Old Age, Survivors & Disab Insur -Penalties