The DEA and Federal Criminal Statutes
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U.S. Code
18 USC 00004
Misprision of Felony
18 USC 00111
Assaulting, resisting, impeding certain officers
18 USC 00846
Explosives - Additional powers of the Secretary
18 USC 00922
Firearms; Unlawful acts
18 USC 00924
Firearms; Penalties
18 USC 01344
Bank Fraud
18 USC 01365
Tampering with consumer products
18 USC 01952
Racketeering -interstate/foreign travel/transport
18 USC 01956
Laundering of monetary instruments
18 USC 01957
Monetary transactions w/property from unlawful act
18 USC 02118
Robberies/burglaries w/controlled substances
18 USC 03048
Commitment to another district; removal--Rule 40
18 USC 03146
Penalty for failure to appear
21 USC 00841
Drug Abuse Prevention & Control-Prohibited acts A
21 USC 00843
Drug Abuse Prevention & Control-Prohibited acts C
21 USC 00844
Penalty for simple possession
21 USC 00846
Attempt and conspiracy
21 USC 00848
Continuing criminal enterprise
21 USC 00856
Establishment for manufacturing operations
21 USC 00952
Importation of controlled substances
21 USC 00959
Possession, manufacture, or distribution for purpo
21 USC 00960
Prohibited acts A
21 USC 00963
Attempt and conspiracy
46 USC 70503
Possession control substance on vessel subject to jurisdiction of US
46 USC 70506