Fiscal Year | Referrals Received |
Convictions | % Convicted (of referred*) |
1986 | 45,869 | 8,525 | 20 |
1987 | 41,292 | 9,759 | 23 |
1988 | 43,682 | 8,394 | 20 |
1989 | 44,371 | 9,366 | 22 |
1990 | 43,711 | 9,993 | 25 |
1991 | 46,303 | 10,144 | 24 |
1992 | 49,081 | 10,639 | 25 |
1993 | 51,557 | 12,334 | 26 |
1994 | 47,605 | 11,508 | 25 |
1995 | 48,972 | 11,535 | 24 |
1996 | 43,824 | 11,865 | 28 |
1997 | 41,948 | 12,324 | 32 |
1998 | 42,179 | 12,730 | 35 |
1999 | 42,183 | 13,592 | 35 |
2000 | 41,024 | 12,706 | 35 |
2001 | 39,060 | 13,570 | 37 |
2002 (actual 6 mos.) 2002 (est. 12 mos.) |
16,432 32,864 |
6,689 13,378 |
41* |
* Percent is based upon ratio of convictions versus referrals disposed of in given year. See flow chart.
Percent for 2002
may be higher than usual because referrals were down after 9/11 while prosecutions already in court were little affected.
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
Copyright 2002