Federal Bureau of Investigation: 1992 - 2002

Criminal Enforcement
Fiscal Year
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
(6 mos.)
# of referrals for prosecution 49,081 51,557 47,605 48,972 43,824 41,948 42,179 42,183 41,024 39,060 16,432
# of referrals disposed of 41,901 48,044 46,590 47,497 42,186 38,187 36,891 39,129 36,010 37,000 16,404
# prosecuted 18,090 19,437 18,165 19,101 19,056 18,486 18,905 19,320 19,168 18,994 8,309
% of referrals prosecuted 41 39 38 39 43 47 49 48 50 49 51
# convicted after prosecution 10,639 12,334 11,508 11,535 11,865 12,324 12,730 13,592 12,706 13,570 6,689
% of those prosecuted found guilty 67 68 67 68 71 73 76 76 76 77 80
% of those convicted sentenced prison 69 70 72 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 77
median prison term (months) 18 18 21 21 24 24 25 30 27 27 30
average prison sentence (months) 55 69 62 60 56 59 55 61 63 60 56

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