Immigration Judges Decide 57 Percent Entitled to Remain in U.S.
(17 Aug 2016) During the first ten months of FY 2016, immigration judges have determined that 96,223 noncitizens against whom Homeland Security sought removal orders were entitled to remain in this country. By the end of this fiscal year this pace is on track to surpass the record set last year of 106,676 noncitizens that the court found could remain in the U.S. These outcomes account for 56.8 percent of all cases that judges have decided so far this year.

Over four out of ten (44%) were from the three Central American countries - El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras - where in recent years large numbers of unaccompanied children and women with children have come to this country seeking asylum.

The Phoenix Immigration Court had the highest proportion of individuals who were allowed to stay. In more than four out of every five (82.2%) of its 3,554 cases closed so far in FY 2016 the individuals were successful in their quest to remain in the U.S.

For the full report, including rankings for all 55 Immigration Courts and the free web app, go to:

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