Growth in Selected Occupations
after 9/11 (Now within DHS)

Federal Occupation September 2001 March 2003 Percent Change
0019 - Safety Technicians (airport screeners) 0 58,326 infinite
1801 - General Insp. Investigation and Compliance 6,116 13,428 119.6
1816 - Immigration Inspection 4,691 6,117 30.4
1811 - Criminal Investigating 7,750 8,997 16.1
1890 - Customs Inspection 7,731 8,700 12.5
1802 - Compliance Inspection and Support 4,513 4,954 9.8
1896 - Border Patrol Agents 9,651 10,058 4.2

Comparable data unavailable for occupation 0436 (plant protection and quarantine) for September 2001 so growth cannot be calculated.
For county-by-county breakdowns of table figures see TRAC Spotlight.

Copyright 2003, TRAC Reports, Inc.