White Collar Crime Prosecutions for October 2018

Number Latest Month 403
Percent Change from previous month -9.8
Percent Change from 1 year ago -1.1
Percent Change from 5 years ago
(Including Magistrate Court)
Percent Change from 5 years ago
(Excluding Magistrate Court)
Table 1. Criminal White Collar Crime Prosecutions

The latest available data from the Justice Department show that during October 2018 the government reported 403 new white collar crime prosecutions. According to the case-by-case information analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), this number is down 9.8 percent over the previous month.

White Collar Crime

This report summarizes the government's recent efforts when it comes to combating white collar crime — the number of such cases, the investigative agencies involved, the laws cited, the busiest federal districts and the busiest federal judges.

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The comparisons of the number of defendants charged with white collar crime-related offenses are based on case-by-case information obtained by TRAC under the Freedom of Information Act from the Executive Office for United States Attorneys (see Table 1).

When monthly 2018 prosecutions of this type are compared with those of the same period in the previous year, the number of filings was only slightly down (-1.1%). Prosecutions over the past year are still much lower than they were five years ago. Overall, the data show that prosecutions of this type are down 32.9 percent from levels reported in 2013.

The decrease from the levels five years ago in white collar crime prosecutions for these matters is shown more clearly in Figure 1. The vertical bars in Figure 1 represent the number of white collar crime prosecutions of this type recorded on a month-to-month basis. Where a prosecution was initially filed in U.S. Magistrate Court and then transferred to the U.S. District Court, the magistrate filing date was used since this provides an earlier indicator of actual trends. The superimposed line on the bars plots the six-month moving average so that natural fluctuations are smoothed out. The one and five-year rates of change in Table 1 and in the sections that follow are all based upon this six-month moving average. To view trends year-by-year rather than month-by-month, see TRAC's annual report series for a broader picture.

Figure 1. Monthly Trends in White Collar Crime Prosecutions

Within the broad category of white collar crime, cases were classified by prosecutors into more specific types.

Case types within white collar crime are

Federal Procurement Fraud Federal Program Fraud
Tax Fraud Arson for Profit
Other Insurance Fraud Financial Institution Fraud
Bankruptcy Fraud Advance Fee Schemes
Other Fraud Against Businesses Consumer Fraud
Securities Fraud Commodities Fraud
Other Investment Fraud Antitrust Violations - Other
Computer Fraud Health Care Fraud
Fraud Against Insurance Providers Intellectual Property Violations
Insider Fraud Against Insurance Providers MEWA (Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements) Fraud/MET
Antitrust Violations - Airlines Antitrust Violations - Banking
Antitrust Violations - Defense Procurement Antitrust Violations - Extraterritorial Application Of
Antitrust Violations - Finance Markets, Other than Banking Telemarketing Fraud
Corporate Fraud Identity Theft
Aggravated Identity Theft Other White Collar Crime/Fraud

The largest number of prosecutions of these matters in October 2018 was for "Fraud-Other", accounting for 22.3 percent of prosecutions. Prosecutions were also filed for "Fraud-Identity Theft-Aggravated" (12.4%), "Fraud-Tax" (9.2%), "Fraud-Health Care" (8.2%), "Fraud-Identity Theft-Other" (8.2%), "Fraud-Federal Program" (7.9%), "Fraud-Financial Institution" (7.7%), "Fraud-Other Business" (6.2%), "Fraud-Computer" (4%), "Fraud-Securities" (3%). See Figure 2.

The lead investigative agency for white collar crime prosecutions in October 2018 was FBI accounting for 30 percent of prosecutions referred. Other agencies with substantial numbers of white collar crime referrals were: SecServ (13% ), IRS (11%), DHS (11%), SSA (8%). See Figure 3.

Pie chart of progcatlabel

Figure 2. Specific Types of Prosecutions
Pie chart of agenrevgrp

Figure 3. Prosecutions by Investigative Agency

White Collar Crime Prosecutions in U.S. Magistrate Courts

Top Ranked Lead Charges

In October 2018, 78 defendants in white collar crime cases for these matters were filed in U.S. Magistrate Courts. These courts handle less serious misdemeanor cases, including what are called "petty offenses." In addition, complaints are sometimes filed in the magistrate courts before an indictment or information is entered. In these cases, the matter starts in the magistrate courts and later moves to the district court where subsequent proceedings take place.

In the magistrate courts in October the most frequently cited lead charge was Title 18 U.S.C Section 1028 involving "Aggravated Identity Theft". This was the lead charge for 19.2 percent of all magistrate filings in October.

Other frequently prosecuted lead charges include: "18 USC 1029 - Fraud and related activity - access devices" (16.7%), "18 USC 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television" (12.8%), "18 USC 1001 - Fraud/false statements or entries generally" (9%), "18 USC 1344 - Bank Fraud" (7.7%).

White Collar Crime Prosecutions in U.S. District Courts

In October 2018, 325 defendants in new cases for these matters were charged in the U.S. District Courts. In addition during October there were an additional 41 defendants whose cases moved from the magistrate courts to the U.S. district courts after an indictment or information was filed. The sections which follow cover both sets of cases and therefore cover all matters filed in district court during October.

Top Ranked Lead Charges

Table 2 shows the top lead charges recorded in the prosecutions of white collar crime matters filed in U.S. District Court during October 2018.

Lead Charge Count Rank 1yr ago 5yrs ago  
18 USC 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television 57 1 1 1 More
18 USC 1029 - Fraud and related activity - access devices 35 2 5 8 More
18 USC 641 - Public money, property or records 29 3 7 4 More
18 USC 1344 - Bank Fraud 24 4 2 2 More
18 USC 1349 - Mail Fraud - Attempt and Conspiracy 23 5 4 3 More
18 USC 1341 - Mail Fraud - Frauds and swindles 20 6 9 5 More
26 USC 7206 - Fraud and False statements 14 7 10 10 More
18 USC 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud US 13 8 3 6 More
18 USC 1028 - Fraud and related activity - id documents 13 8 7 9 More
18 USC 1028A - Aggravated Identity Theft 13 8 11 16 More
Table 2. Top Charges Filed

  • "Fraud by wire, radio, or television" (Title 18 U.S.C Section 1343) was the most frequent recorded lead charge. "Fraud by wire, radio, or television" (Title 18 U.S.C Section 1343) was ranked 1 a year ago, while it was ranked 1 five years ago.

  • Ranked 2nd in frequency was the lead charge "Fraud and related activity - access devices" under Title 18 U.S.C Section 1029. "Fraud and related activity - access devices" under Title 18 U.S.C Section 1029 was ranked 5 a year ago, while it was ranked 8 five years ago.

  • Ranked 3rd was "Public money, property or records" under Title 18 U.S.C Section 641. "Public money, property or records" under Title 18 U.S.C Section 641 was ranked 7 a year ago, while it was ranked 4 five years ago.

Among these top ten lead charges, the one showing the greatest increase in prosecutions — up 47.8 percent — compared to one year ago was Title 26 U.S.C Section 7206 that involves " Fraud and False statements ". Compared to five years ago, the largest increase — 76 percent — was registered for prosecutions under " Aggravated Identity Theft " (Title 18 U.S.C Section 1028 ).

Again among the top ten lead charges, the one showing the sharpest decline in prosecutions compared to one year ago — down 30.2 percent — was " Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud US " (Title 18 U.S.C Section 371 ). Compared to five years ago, the most significant decline in prosecutions — 60.1 percent — was for filings where the lead charge was " Mail Fraud - Frauds and swindles " (Title 18 U.S.C Section 1341 ).

Top Ranked Judicial Districts

In October 2018 the Justice Department said the government brought 134.8 white collar crime prosecutions for every ten million people in the United States.

Understandably, there is great variation in the per capita number of white collar crime prosecutions that are filed in each of the nation's ninety-four federal judicial districts.

The districts registering the largest number of prosecutions per capita for these matters last month are shown in Table 3. Districts must have at least 5 white collar crime prosecutions to receive a ranking.

Judicial District Percapita Count Rank 1yr ago 5yrs ago  
La, E 498 7 1 32 51 More
Penn, W 419 13 2 17 37 More
La, W 388 7 3 64 73 More
N. Y., S 362 16 4 2 2 More
Fla, S 355 22 5 1 1 More
Iowa, S 330 5 6 81 79 More
Mo, E 287 7 7 4 23 More
Tenn, E 229 5 8 36 40 More
Fla, M 216 21 9 5 9 More
Ala, N 208 5 10 32 21 More
N Car, E 208 7 10 36 40 More
Table 3. Top 10 Districts (per ten million people)

  • The Eastern District of Louisiana (New Orleans) — with 498 prosecutions as compared with 134.8 prosecutions per ten million population in the United States — was the most active during October 2018.

  • The Western District of Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh) ranked 2nd.

  • Western District of Louisiana (Shreveport) is now ranking 3rd.

Recent entrants to the top 10 list were Western District of Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh), now ranked 2nd , and Eastern District of Louisiana (New Orleans) at 1st In the same order, these districts ranked 17th and 32nd one year ago and 37th and 51st five years ago.

The federal judicial district which showed the greatest growth in the rate of white collar crime prosecutions compared to one year ago — 160 percent — was Southern District of Iowa (Des Moines). Compared to five years ago, the district with the largest growth — 39.5 percent — was Western District of Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh).

In the last year, the judicial District Court recording the largest drop in the rate of white collar crime prosecutions — 34.9 percent — was Eastern District of Missouri (St. Louis).  But over the past five years, Eastern District of Tennessee (Knoxville) showed the largest drop — 51.4 percent.

Top Ranked District Judges

At any one time, there are about 680 federal District Court judges working in the United States. The judges recorded with the largest number of new white collar crime crime cases of this type during October 2018 are shown in Table 4.

Judge Count Rank  
Baxter, Susan Paradise Penn, W 6 1 More
Mattice, Harry Sandlin, Jr. Tenn, E 5 2 More
Kovachevich, Elizabeth Anne Fla, M 4 3 More
Altonaga, Cecilia M. Fla, S 4 3 More
Gayles, Darrin Phillip Fla, S 4 3 More
Hicks, S. Maurice, Jr. La, W 4 3 More
Bissoon, Cathy Penn, W 4 3 More
Fitzwater, Sidney Allen Texas, N 4 3 More
Carney, Cormac J. Cal, C 3 9 More
O'Neill, Lawrence Joseph Cal, E 3 9 More
Jackson, Richard Brooke Colorado 3 9 More
Schlesinger, Harvey Erwin Fla, M 3 9 More
Covington, Virginia Maria Hernandez Fla, M 3 9 More
Cooke, Marcia G. Fla, S 3 9 More
Melgren, Eric F. Kansas 3 9 More
Beer, Peter Hill La, E 3 9 More
Fallon, Eldon E. La, E 3 9 More
Maloney, Paul Lewis Mich, W 3 9 More
Fleissig, Audrey Goldstein Mo, E 3 9 More
Irizarry, Dora L. N. Y., E 3 9 More
Gordon, Andrew Patrick Nevada 3 9 More
Leeson, Joseph F., Jr. Penn, E 3 9 More
Delgado-Colon, Aida M. Puer Rico 3 9 More
Miller, Gray Hampton Texas, S 3 9 More
Martinez, Ricardo S. Wash, W 3 9 More
Peterson, James Donald Wisc, W 3 9 More
Table 4. Top Ten Judges

A total of 13 out of the "top ten" judges were in districts which were in the top ten with the largest number of white collar crime filings per capita, while the remaining 13 judges were from other districts. (Because of ties, there were a total of 26 judges in the "top ten" rankings.)

  • Judge Susan Paradise Baxter in the Western District of Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh) ranked 1st with 6 defendants in white collar crime cases.

  • Judge Harry Sandlin Mattice, Jr. in the Eastern District of Tennessee (Knoxville) ranked 2nd with 5 defendants in white collar crime cases.

  • Judges Elizabeth Anne Kovachevich in the Middle District of Florida (Tampa), Cecilia M. Altonaga in the Southern District of Florida (Miami), Darrin Phillip Gayles in the Southern District of Florida (Miami), S. Maurice Hicks, Jr. in the Western District of Louisiana (Shreveport), Cathy Bissoon in the Western District of Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh) and Sidney Allen Fitzwater in the Northern District of Texas (Fort Worth) ranked 3rd with 4 defendants in white collar crime cases.

Report Generated: December 6, 2018
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