IRS Revenue Agent Audit Hours

Productive Non-productive* FY 2007 vs FY 2001 FY 2007 vs FY 2006
Corporate Size FY2001 FY2006 FY2007 FY2001 FY2006 FY2007 productive non-
productive non-


SBSE no balance sheet  65,945 76,797 72,959 14,501 17,386 14,062 11% -3% -14% -5% -19% -14%
< $250,000 135,070 175,954 214,664 47,099 88,538 111,604 59% 137% 78% 22% 26% 4%
$250,000 < $1 million 141,826 100,551 129,498 54,402 50,081 67,127 -9% 23% 32% 29% 34% 5%
$1 < $5 million 185,288 64,213 85,443 75,043 33,697 47,637 -54% -37% 17% 33% 41% 8%
$5 < 10 million 98,738 32,400 40,335 41,607 21,503 17,520 -59% -58% 1% 24% -19% -43%
LMSB $10 < $50 million 286,339 416,066 507,978 101,452 209,447 232,935 77% 130% 52% 22% 11% -11%
$50 < $100 million 146,399 128,035 108,257 25,309 43,278 36,844 -26% 46% 72% -15% -15% 1%
$100 < $250 million 283,594 176,055 164,493 31,685 49,028 38,227 -42% 21% 63% -7% -22% -15%
$250 million and up 3,620,193 3,801,532 3,096,800 46,164 98,632 122,536 -14% 165% 180% -19% 24% 43%
Total 4,963,392 4,971,603 4,420,427 437,262 611,590 688,492 -11% 57% 68% -11% 13% 24%

* "Productive" is time spent on audit with recommended tax changes. "Non-productive" is time spent on audits with no change