Customs Convictions by Lead Charge 1995

Federal Judicial District = U.S.

Total 3,094 100.0
21 USC 952export-controlled substances 1,063 34.4
21 USC 841drugs-prohibited acts 784 25.3
21 USC 846drugs-attempt and conspiracy 403 13.0
21 USC 963drugs-conspiracy in export or import 121 3.9
31 USC 5316reports on exporting and importing monetary instruments 106 3.4
18 USC 1956laundering of monetary instrument 88 2.8
18 USC 545smuggling goods into U.S. 46 1.5
46 USC 1903shipping 35 1.1
18 USC 371conspiracy to defraud the U.S. 31 1.0
18 USC 2320trafficking in counterfeit goods or services 27 0.9
22 USC 2778arms control-export and import 26 0.8
21 USC 844drugs-possession 24 0.8
18 USC 1001fraud and false statements 20 0.6
21 USC 960controlled substances-export or import 17 0.5
18 USC 553importation or exportation of stolen vehicles 16 0.5
18 USC 542entry of goods by means of false statements 14 0.5
18 USC 2252sexual exploitation of minors 13 0.4
18 USC 922firearms-illegal procedures 12 0.4
18 USC 846explosives-importation,distribution 11 0.4
8 USC 1324immigration-bringing in/harboring aliens 9 0.3
18 USC 111assaulting or intimidating govt employee 9 0.3
18 USC 1962racketeering-prohibited acts 9 0.3
18 USC 2314transportation of stolen goods-securities 9 0.3
8 USC 1326immigration-reentry of removed aliens 8 0.3
18 USC 2312transportation of stolen vehicles 8 0.3
31 USC 5324financial reporting requirement 7 0.2
8 USC 1325immigration-improper entry by aliens 5 0.2
18 USC 201bribery of federal witness 4 0.1
18 USC 641embezzlement - theft of federal property 4 0.1
18 USC 659interstate or foreign shipments by carrier 4 0.1
18 USC 1344bank fraud 4 0.1
18 USC 2251sexual exploitation of children 3 0.1
18 USC 3146failure to appear-judicial proceeding 3 0.1
18 USC 1341mail fraud 2 0.1
18 USC 1343mail fraud - wire, radio, TV 2 0.1
18 USC 924firearms-knowing false statements 1 0.0
18 USC 1542passport/visa-false statement-application/use of passport 1 0.0
18 USC 1546passport/visa-fraud/misuse of visas/permits 1 0.0
18 USC 1957racketeering-unlawful monetary transactions 1 0.0
21 USC 848drugs-continuing criminal enterprise 1 0.0
31 USC 5322monetary instruments-reporting 1 0.0
other U.S. Code sections infrequently used 114 3.7
other-drugs other-drugs 24 0.8
other-customs other-customs 3 0.1

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
Copyright 1999