Availability of Recent Data

DHS/DOJ/OPM Policies Limit Access to Information

Warning: Previously available data are now being withheld.

DHS Criminal Referrals by Lead Charge: The Department of Justice is now withholding information on the lead charge of DHS criminal referrals. This affects FY1999 onward. TRAC is currently in court challenging this withholding as unlawful under the Freedom of Information Act. District-by-district criminal enforcement activities by the DHS, however, are still available.

DHS Criminal Referrals by Program Category: Recently the Department of Justice started withholding data on the program category of DHS criminal referrals, and TRAC has sued the government in federal court for its release. This affects FY 2003 onward. District-by-district criminal enforcment activities by the DHS, however, are still available.

DHS Staffing by Geographic Location: The Office of Personnel Management on behalf of the DHS has begun withholding the post of duty of DHS criminal investigators. This affects FY 2004 (beginning with the first quarter). The status of future information is somewhat uncertain since the agency announced a reexamination of policies with respect to the release of information on federal personnel. TRAC has written expressing its deep concern over OPM's suspension of data releases and seeking details on the review process. At this juncture it appears that a lawsuit will be required challenging this withholding as unlawful under the Freedom of Information Act.

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