Senator Grassley in his questioning of Melanie Pustay, Director of Office of Information Policy, Department of Justice and Miriam Nisbet, Director of the Office of Government Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration cites TRAC's report finding an increase in FOIA litigation last December.
"the thing housed at Syracuse University the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse had a study released finding that there were more Freedom of Information Act lawsuits during the Obama Administration's first term as compared with the second Bush term. These lawsuits force the government to release information obviously costly and burdensome for individuals. This increase has occurred even though the Open Government Act creating your office to mediate disputes between the government and FOIA requestors. Now to you, you said in your testimony that "this year your office is
recommending agency heads hold, encourage and support the use of dispute resolution in FOIA
process." Is it your view that agencies are not currently taking full advantage of dispute
resolution that your office provides?