Putting TRAC to Work
  Legal and Scholarly
Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice
September 2014

Humanitarian Protections and the Need for Appointed Counsel for Unaccompanied and Immigrant Children Facing Deportation
By Ashley Ham Pong

In practice, this has meant that of the more than 100,000 case records obtained and analyzed by Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), almost half (48 percent) of the children appearing in court to determine whether they should be sent back to their home countries had to appear alone without the assistance of an attorney to help them present their case. Further, of the children who appeared with an attorney, an immigration judge allowed five out of every ten children to remain in the United States. In contrast, however, for children who appeared without an attorney, only one in ten were allowed to stay, which means unrepresented children were nine times more likely to be ordered removed......[Citing TRAC research].

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
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