How To Order From
To order data products from TRAC's on-line catalog, fill out our order form and send in with your payment.
TRAC offers a variety of additional services that draw upon our unique data base of 50 gigabytes of federal enforcement and regulatory information. Special order data analyses can be developed to suit your individual requirements. Consul
ting about general data analysis questions is also available.
We can be reached at either of our two offices:
Main Syracuse Office [computing services]:
488 Newhouse II
Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York 13244-2100
voice: (315) 443-3563
fax: (315) 443-3196
Washington, D.C. Office:
Suite 301
666 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E.
Washinton, D.C. 20003-4319
voice: (202) 544-8722
fax: (202) 547-5482
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