Graphical Highlights
Asylum Denial Rates by Nationality
Before and After the Attorney General's Directive
(by denial rate)

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Nationality Decisions Denial Rate
Jamaica                     150 176 95% 95%
Argentina                   620 114 94% 79%
El Salvador                 2,514 4,209 92% 91%
Vietnam                     219 118 90% 81%
Mexico                      1,392 893 89% 83%
Nicaragua                   330 432 88% 88%
Cambodia                    160 93 85% 68%
Honduras                    1,166 1,268 85% 85%
Guatemala                   3,050 3,633 84% 89%
Haiti                       9,426 6,701 81% 80%
Guyana                      411 113 81% 85%
Yemen                       142 84 80% 73%
Ecuador                     124 119 79% 77%
Cuba                        363 263 78% 78%
Laos                        159 75 78% 80%
Philippines                 320 159 78% 79%
Indonesia                   4,713 1,748 76% 70%
Nigeria                     471 280 76% 69%
Syria                       166 107 75% 58%
Brazil                      338 261 73% 70%
Venezuela                   1,825 1,767 73% 58%
Lebanon                     289 174 69% 70%
Macedonia                   169 91 69% 53%
Colombia                    10,407 3,803 67% 62%
Peru                        791 433 67% 70%
Jordan                      232 149 67% 71%
Senegal                     177 155 67% 60%
Pakistan                    1,426 737 66% 52%
Israel                      151 100 66% 59%
Algeria                     143 47 66% 66%
Kenya                       468 380 62% 57%
Fiji                        458 130 62% 44%
Turkey                      183 82 60% 46%
Ukraine                     507 269 60% 56%
Sierra Leone                705 273 60% 60%
Democratic Republic Of Congo 170 113 57% 41%
India                       2,787 1,569 57% 50%
Mongolia                    177 227 57% 46%
Gambia                      209 277 56% 50%
Romania                     269 189 55% 46%
Iraq                        853 1,099 53% 13%
Mauritania                  1,343 636 53% 49%
Zimbabwe                    388 345 52% 38%
Liberia                     455 236 52% 55%
Georgia                     384 148 51% 53%
Armenia                     1,736 743 50% 39%
Bangladesh                  749 378 49% 45%
Kampuchea                   108 11 48% 55%
Togo                        593 261 47% 37%
Serbia Montenegro           116 132 46% 36%
Albania                     3,338 1,359 45% 36%
Iran                        842 368 45% 39%
Mali                        163 273 45% 54%
Congo                       532 247 45% 36%
Yugoslavia                  959 419 44% 26%
Cameroon                    1,600 762 44% 37%
Sri Lanka                   400 411 44% 40%
Kazakhstan                  118 90 44% 32%
Uganda                      247 151 44% 33%
Ivory Coast (Cote D'ivoire) 605 512 43% 45%
China                       18,213 14,402 43% 31%
Guinea                      1,510 1,070 42% 36%
Sudan                       290 128 42% 39%
Russia                      1,312 792 41% 38%
Azerbaijan                  150 60 41% 30%
Bulgaria                    319 199 40% 37%
Ethiopia                    1,454 1,253 40% 28%
Somalia                     487 438 40% 31%
Afghanistan                 190 84 39% 33%
Uzebekistan                 426 299 38% 42%
Rwanda                      107 76 35% 29%
Nepal                       521 567 34% 35%
Belarus                     165 151 33% 31%
Soviet Union                653 553 32% 23%
Egypt                       1,031 673 32% 23%
Eritrea                     328 413 30% 16%
Stateless - Alien Unable To Name a Country 307 264 30% 30%
Burma (Myanmar)             611 425 26% 21%
Byelorussia (Belarus)       193 131 26% 15%

* Includes nationalities with at least 100 asylum decisions.

Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
Copyright 2009