Special Order Projects
Most users find their information needs are met with TRAC's on-line services. But if you have a very specialized need, TRAC also undertakes projects by special order:
analyses. Specialized compilations and
tabular analyses can be prepared to a user's
specifications from TRAC's existing knowledge bases. Charges
vary depending upon work involved.
Web tables and dynamic
query tools. For individuals who
prefer to receive their special orders via the web,
individualized web sites can be prepared
presenting the results of a special analysis. In
addition, dynamic query tools can be provided to
allow users direct access to their specially created databases for
their own analyses. For example, using TRAC's criminal enforcement databases, separate tables can be
prepared covering referrals, prosecutions,
referrals not prosecuted (declined), convictions,
not convicted, and sentencing. The detailed
referral-by-referral tabular tables can include
hot links to the actual statutory law for the
lead charge, as well as built-in links to
descriptive information about each field and the
codes used. A sample detailed table of
convictions and a sample table of
referrals declined for 1995 covering the
Northern District of New York (Syracuse) can be
viewed on-line.
TRAC Knowledge Bases.
TRAC focuses on federal government staffing, spending and enforcement activities.
On federal enforcement, data on criminal, civil, and administrative enforcement are available. You may find a review of TRAC's
quick start guide helpful in providing an overview, as well as links to more detailed descriptions of TRAC data.
As a sample, below is a description of TRAC's criminal enforcement information.
Criminal Enforcement:
Detailed information on criminal enforcement for
an individual federal judicial
district is currently available
electronically for fiscal years 1986 through
2001, and then monthly for more recent periods. Fiscal 1974 - 1985 data are also available
by special order. This information is available
on both a summary and a referral-by-referral
basis. For each referral federal prosecutors
record 81 fields of information. Key fields
date the referral was received
date prosecution was filed
federal judicial district
referral (investigative) agency (list of
available agencies)
lead charge (US Code Title and Section)
Justice program category (list of
categories available classifying offense
such as tax fraud, local official corruption,
financial institution fraud, etc.)
Attorney General priority (national,
district, local, not a priority)
disposition type and reason (codes indicating
types of disposition (declination,
prosecuted and found guilty, etc.) and reason
or nature of disposition (declined
because of weak evidence, lack of
prosecutorial resources, found guilty by jury
trial, etc.))
disposition date
initials of assistant U.S. Attorney handling
the referral
initials of judge handling the case
prison sentence in months
probation sentence in months
fine amount in dollars
A complete list of the 81 "detail"
information fields contained in these
referral-by-referral detail files can be viewed
on this Web site. Note that the names of defendants
are not included. The Justice Department withheld
this information.
Also available, are a series of summary
files on each
federal judicial district providing comparative
counts, rates, and ranks on how each district
compares on a large number of criminal
enforcement indicators from the time it takes to
prosecute a case, to the average prison sentence.
A list of the 80 "summary"
information fields contained in these summary
files can be viewed on this Web site. The Data
Dictionary for Summary Files is also
available on-line. Additional summary files are
available which provide detail by lead charge,
program, and investigatory agency.
Placing Special Orders
Placing an
order. To receive a
price quote for specialized work , email trac@syr.edu or call
(315) 443-3563.