ICE Resists Abiding by Supreme Court FOIA Ruling
(05 Apr 2011) TRAC has sent a memorandum to the Executive Office of the President and the Office of Government Information Services concerning the refusal of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to abide by the Supreme Court's March 7 ruling in Milner v. Department of the Navy. In this decision, the Supreme Court greatly reduced the authority of government to withhold records under an exemption to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that some agencies have long used to limit the disclosure of records to the public.

Last week, however, an ICE official informed TRAC that those who had requested and been denied access to documents under the FOIA prior to the court's ground-breaking decision was rendered had no right to obtain them. For the complete text of the memorandum and background, go to:

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