Where ICE Secure Communities Removals Now Occur
(13 Nov 2018) Nine out of ten counties in the United States with the most Secure Communities removals are in Texas and California. Fingerprints submitted to the FBI by law enforcement agencies from just these two states also gave rise to almost half (47%) of all recent Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) removals under its Secure Communities program as of June 2018. This is a much larger proportion than where ICE arrests are found. Just 39 percent of ICE arrests occurred in Texas and California.

Comparing states on ICE arrests versus Secure Communities removals turns up a number of surprising differences beyond those for Texas and California. Three states that made the top 10 on ICE interior arrests - Pennsylvania (7th on arrests), New Jersey (9th on arrests), and Oklahoma (10th on arrests) placed much lower in the rankings for Secure Communities removals. At the same time, South Carolina, Colorado, and Illinois place much higher on Secure Communities removals, than they do on ICE arrests.

Only ICE has the information that would help answer why these differences occur. Unfortunately, it has steadfastly refused to release information that would allow the public to match up ICE arrests with its removals.

What users now can easily do - based on research by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University - is compare ICE arrests in their locale with the relative number of ICE Secure Communities removals reported by ICE for their state or county.

To read the full report, including state rankings on ICE arrests as compared with those on its Secure Communities removals, go to:

To drill into these latest numbers by county, nationality, length of residence in U.S., whether the individuals had been convicted of a serious crime, and much more, go to:

SC removals:

ICE arrests:

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Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
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