Latest ICE Data on Detainer Usage Through April 2018
(27 Jul 2018) Newly released ICE data - updated through April 2018 - reveal ICE continues to issue around 14,000 new detainers on average each month. This is well below peak levels under President Obama when over 20,000 detainers were prepared monthly by ICE. While ICE detainer usage is up since the FY 2015-2016 period when ICE's Priority Enforcement Program (PEP) was in place, ICE's current use of detainers is well below the levels existing during the FY 2009 - FY 2014 Secure Communities era under President Obama.

The pace under President Trump shows no indication of returning to these higher detainer usage levels. The current pace has been roughly steady over the latest fifteen month period of available data.

The latest data ICE released shows that a total of 609 individual law enforcement agencies (LEAs) refused one or more detainers during the period February 2017 - April 2018. Four out of ten (241) of these LEAs according to ICE "refused" just a single detainer request. And only one out of five (133) of the LEAs was recorded as refusing 10 or more detainer requests. In assessing these numbers it is important to keep in mind that there is substantial reason to doubt whether ICE refusal records are either complete or always accurate.

LEAs with the most recent recorded refusals were concentrated in New York and California. First on the list was Queens County Central Booking in New York City, followed by Brooklyn Central Booking also in New York City. In third place was the Santa Clara County Main Jail in California.

To read the full report, go it:

To access the accompanying web query tool allowing users to drill in on the 3,774 separate law enforcement agencies sent ICE detainers under the Trump Administration, as well as the 609 LEAs ICE records as having refused one or more of these detainers, go to:

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