(25 Jul 2018)
The latest available data from the federal courts through June 2018 show that new federal motor vehicle product liability lawsuits have risen sharply.
During four out of six of the past months, the number of new cases filed set new records. So far during the first nine months of FY 2018, there have been 570 new suits filed. If this filing pace continues, the projected number of filings will reach 760 during FY 2018. This filing pace is up 89 percent over that of last year. During all of FY 2017 only 403 such suits were filed.
Motor vehicle product liability litigation previously peaked during FY 2010. That year saw 508 cases filed. After 2010, lawsuits fell until they reached a low point during FY 2013 when only 238 suits were filed.
Activity in three out of the 94 federal judicial districts account for most of this jump. The largest number of lawsuits this year were filed in the Southern District of New York (Manhattan). The Southern District of Florida (Miami) and the Central District of California (Los Angeles) also experienced sharp jumps this year. Remaining districts either saw little change or even experienced declines.
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