Three-fold Difference in Immigration Bond Amounts by Court Location
(02 Jul 2018) The latest available case-by-case court records, current through May 2018, reveal a three-fold difference across Immigration Courts in the median bond amount set. The highest median bond amounts were required by the Tacoma, Washington Immigration Court and the Hartford, Connecticut Immigration Court.

The grant rate on custody hearings also varied markedly from one court location to the next. At the Charlotte, North Carolina Immigration Court only one out of six bond motions were granted. At the Imperial, California and Florence, Arizona Immigration Courts around three-quarters of the bond motions were granted.

At custody hearings, immigration judges decide whether or not the immigrant can be released from ICE custody after posting a bond. In recent years somewhat over one in four detained individuals are ultimately successful in obtaining a judge's custody decision that allows them to be released -- although only if they are able to raise the bond amount set. Nationally, for bond hearings thus far during FY 2018, the median bond amount was $7,500, up 50 percent from five years ago.

To read the full report, including specifics on individual Immigration Courts, go to:

In addition, many of TRAC's free query tools - which track the court's overall backlog, new DHS filings, court dispositions and much more - have now been updated through May 2018. For an index to the full list of TRAC's immigration tools go to:

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