Immigration Court Post-Trump Cases Show No Increase
(21 Apr 2017) The latest available court records through the end of March 2017 reveal little observable change in filings since President Trump assumed office. The pace of DHS issuances of NTAs (notices to appear) that initiate proceedings in Immigration Court under the Trump Administration remain similar to the pace in earlier months under President Obama.

However, because of filing and recording delays, any estimate of overall trends at this point in time must be considered very preliminary in nature. The court's records reveal that since Trump assumed office, a total of 25,942 cases have been initiated by DHS seeking removal orders. This represents the number of DHS Notices to Appear (NTAs), or comparable forms, dated after January 20, 2017 that had been filed in court as of the end of March 2017. NTAs are the official notification to an individual that DHS is seeking to deport them.

While the pace of filings remains unchanged, there has been a sharp change between Trump and Obama cases in whether individuals are detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) while their cases are pending. At the time of the court filing the majority (54%) of Obama's cases were not detained. This was true for only a quarter (25%) of Trump's cases.

Six out of ten of the Immigration Courts with the largest number of post-Trump cases handle detained populations. The Houston Detained court had the largest number of Trump cases filed thus far.

To see the full report, including the volume of post-Trump filings for each court, go to:

In addition, many of TRAC's free query tools - which track new DHS filings, court backlogs, the handling of juvenile cases and much more - have now been updated through March 2017. For an index to the full list of TRAC's immigration tools go to:

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