Latest Asylum Denial Rates for Each Immigration Court Judge
(10 Nov 2016) TRAC has just published the ninth in its long running series of reports covering each Immigration Judge's decisions on asylum cases. The latest report series consists of 268 separate reports and includes each Immigration Judge who decided at least 100 asylum cases between FY 2011 and FY 2016.

Each individual report provides a short biography for that judge, along with details on the judge's overall denial rates during this six year period. Separate charts provide a time series view of the judge's decisions year-by-year, along with a comparison of the judge's denial rate as contrasted with the rate for the nation as a whole, along with a comparison with just those judges sitting on the same court.

Reasons for judge-to-judge differences in asylum denial rates are highlighted including whether the asylum seeker was represented or not, and the countries from which these individuals came. This is contrasted with patterns for the United States as a whole. Information presented is current through the end of September 2016.

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