In Six States, Immigration Relief Takes Over 1,000 Days on Average
(19 Apr 2016) Despite the recent appointment of new immigration judges, the Immigration Court's backlog continues to rise each month. The latest figures show that at the end of March the number of pending cases had reached 486,206. The ballooning backlog has many implications; this month TRAC is spotlighting what our overloaded court system means for individuals seeking asylum and other forms of relief.

For those that are ultimately successful, the wait time to get their cases resolved can be lengthy, particularly in some states. In FY 2016, being granted relief took an average of more than 1,000 days in six states: New York, Arizona, Illinois, Nevada, California and Ohio. For those whose cases were heard in Texas, Hawaii and Puerto Rico the average time to be awarded relief has been less than half that long.

As of the end of March, New York and Arizona took on average the longest time -- 1,123 and 1,122 days respectively. Puerto Rico was speediest with an average of 378 days; Texas was next with 384 days.

To view a snapshot of trends in granting relief along with the ten states with the longest wait times as of March 2016, see:
For full details by state, nationality, Immigration Court, hearing location, and type of outcome see:
Many of TRAC's other free query tools -- which track new DHS filings, the handling of juvenile cases and much more -- have also been updated through March 2016. In addition, new information on each ICE detention facility and how long individuals remain detained was posted last week. For an index to the full list of TRAC's immigration tools go to:
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