Central American Deportation Cases Dominate U.S. Immigration Courts
(14 Aug 2015) Persons from Central America continue to outnumber those from Mexico when DHS seeks deportation orders in Immigration Court, according to the latest government data obtained by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC). During the first ten months of fiscal year 2015, 42 percent of DHS filings involved individuals from Central America, primarily Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. This figure is up from 25 percent three years ago in fiscal year 2012.

However, the proportion of individuals from Central American countries involved in Immigration Court cases has been quite variable. Ten years ago, cases from Central America also surpassed the numbers from Mexico. Over the last decade they have ranged from a low of 19 percent during FY 2010-2011 to a high of 56 percent just last year.

Cases involving unaccompanied children from Central America have fallen but still comprise 27 percent of all DHS filings from that region, down from 40 percent in FY 2014.

For full details, see the report at:
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