Fewer Banking-Related Federal Civil Lawsuits
(22 Jul 2015) The latest available data from the federal courts show that during June 2015 the government reported 18 new “banks and banking” civil filings. This number has been trending downward since new filings peaked at 79 during November of 2011. If filings continue at the same pace during the remainder of this fiscal year, the total banking-related lawsuits will be around 200 and for the first time fall below the number filed during FY 2008 of 259 annual cases at the start of the financial turndown. After FY 2008, banking suits rose sharply: to 434 during FY 2009 and 641 during FY 2010.

As if June 2015, the Central District of California (Los Angeles) led the nation with 490 suits during the FY 2008 – FY 2015 period, accounting for roughly 15 percent of the total for the country. Relative to its population, however, it ranked only fourth. In second place was the Southern District of Florida (Miami) with 130 suits, followed closely by the Southern District of New York (Manhattan) with 128 suits.

To read the full report on banking-related lawsuits, including total filings and rankings for each federal district go to:
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