Judge Rejects DHS Classification of Syracuse University Research Center as a Commercial Requester
(02 Jul 2015) In an important FOIA decision, Judge Christopher R. Cooper of the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia has ruled that the purpose of the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) is educational and journalistic and not business-related. This decision is important to TRAC's data gathering mission because fees charged to non-commercial entities for obtaining records are substantially less than they would be if the organization were considered commercial.

But the decision may also prove significant to other non-commercial requesters who might otherwise be persuaded to abandon their efforts to obtain government information by the imposition of unjustified fees.

TRAC was represented in this action on a pro bono basis by renowned FOIA attorney David L. Sobel.

For more details on this matter, including the text of Judge Cooper's memorandum opinion, see:
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