(12 Mar 2015)
Help the FOIA Project identify the worst violations of the Freedom of Information Act by casting your vote for a case of withholding that is worthy of this dishonor.
A panel of leading FOIA requesters nominated cases in which government agencies either ignored or declined requests for documents on some of the most interesting and controversial topics of our time: the use of drones by the FBI in domestic surveillance, the Obama Administration's targeted killing of American citizens abroad, and the Edward Snowden leaks, to name just a few.
Which would you vote for? Check out all the case summaries and vote at http://foiaproject.org -- the voting opens today, on the eve of National FOI Day, and ends on the last day of Sunshine Week, Friday March 20th, when we'll announce the "winner."
The FOIA Project, which is administered by TRAC, gives the public free access to information about every case in which government has been sued under the FOIA since October 1, 1996 -- more than 27,000 documents from 8,600 district and appellate court cases. It's updated daily, and searchable by plaintiff, defendant, location and date of suit, and many other factors.
In honor of Sunshine Week, the FOIA Project invited six prominent experts -- Charlie Savage of The New York Times, Jason Leopold of VICE News, Anne Weismann of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, David Sobel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Nate Jones of the National Security Archive, and Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch -- to nominate a FOIA case they feel represents a particularly egregious example of improper withholding.
We've summarized and linked to the documents related to each of the selected cases. We now invite you to read about these fascinating cases and select the one you feel is the biggest failure of government to adequately respond to a records request.
To read the case summaries and vote: Go to http://foiaproject.org
Follow the project: At #foiafail and #sunshineweek
Questions? Contact Greg Munno at 315-443-3613 or gjmunno@syr.edu