(12 Nov 2013)
For individuals who were ultimately granted relief, wait times in Immigration Court grew even longer last month.
The latest data received and analyzed by TRAC show that during October 2013, cases in the Nebraska Immigration Court took an average of 1,349 days. In second place was the Oregon Immigration Court where the average waiting period before individuals were granted relief was 1,178 days. The Illinois Immigration Court was in third place (1,149 days), followed by the Pennsylvania (1,091 days) and California (1,033 days) courts.
Nationally, a relief case took an average of 898 days during October 2013, up from an average of 823 days during FY 2013. The average wait was 657 days just five years ago in FY 2009, the first year of the Obama Administration.
To view the ten states that made individuals wait longest before granting relief last month, see the latest TRAC snapshot report at:
For more details on outcome and processing time during October 2013 for every Immigration Court, nationality and hearing location, use TRAC's "time by outcome" tool at:
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