FY 2012 A Record Year for Asylum Cases
(15 Jan 2013) The odds of an asylum claim being denied reached an historic low in FY 2012, with only 44.5 percent being turned down. Ten years ago, almost two out of three (62.6%) individuals seeking asylum lost their cases in similar actions.

Asylum applicants also made up more than a quarter (29.4%) of all cases closed under the prosecutorial discretion (PD) initiative during FY 2012. When those who won their cases are combined with PD closures as well as other administrative closures, a record high 63.7 percent of asylum applicants were allowed to remain in the U.S. in cases concluded in FY 2012.

Accompanying this report are 272 separate reports covering each Immigration Judge. A free webinar to discuss these findings is scheduled for Thursday, January 24 at 2:00 PM (Eastern US). For more information, use the following links:

FY 2012 Asylum Report:
Individual Judge Reports:
Webinar Registration:
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