Surprising Sentencing Deviations Within Many Courthouses
(26 Nov 2012) Very timely government data -- updated through July 2012 -- has found widely varied sentencing differences within many federal courthouses, according to a new report by the Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse (TRAC). The TRAC study includes tables identifying the 25 courthouses that had the widest sentencing differences among the judges that served in them, and the 28 courthouses that had the narrowest. The five at the top of the list were: Baltimore, Columbia (South Carolina), Philadelphia, Macon (Middle District of Georgia) and Norfolk (Eastern District of Virginia). For details, go to:
In a related development, TRAC has now created a new Judge Info Center at which features links to four special reports on the working of the federal courts. Also available is a detailed description of the data on which these reports are based, a video tutorial, and information on gaining access to interactive reports about any district court judge who has sentenced at least 50 individuals since FY 2007.

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