TRAC Webinar series: Tracking ICE Prosecutorial Discretion
(14 Nov 2011) TRAC has launched a bundle of new report series, with accompanying data tools and regular updates, which allow the public to monitor ICE's exercise of prosecutorial discretion in the Immigration Courts, as spelled out in Director John Morton's June 17, 2011 memorandum. TRAC's new tools allow tracking by charge, nationality, and location (state, court or specific hearing location).

TRAC co-directors, Susan B. Long and David Burnham will conduct the following webinar sessions:

Session 1: Wednesday, November 30, at 2:00pm EST
New data and web tools to track Immigration Court Outcomes

Session 2: Wednesday, December 7, at 2:00pm EST
Monitoring ICE charging practices in the Immigration Court

Each session will include a short (approximately 15-20 minute) overview and demonstration of TRAC's newly released web monitoring tools, followed by a question and answer session. For the URL to join the webinar, please email
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