Gonzales Resignation Provides Focus for DOJ Enforcement Record
(27 Aug 2007) After months of controversy, Attorney General Gonzales has announced his resignation. For comprehensive and very timely information about how the federal government enforced the law during the Bush Administration and how that compares with previous administrations go to the TRAC Data Intepreter at:

A new TRAC study shows that criminal prosecutions in eight of the nation's twelve largest districts are substantially lower than they were in the past. The report is based on TRAC's analysis of millions of Justice Department records covering the period from FY 1986 through the end of April 2007.

Among the most populous districts with many fewer federal filings are California Central (Los Angeles), California North (San Francisco) Illinois North (Chicago), Massachusetts (Boston) and New York East (Brooklyn).

Texas South (Houston) was one of the four largest districts where prosecutions have increased.

The summary report about the federal enforcement trends in the largest districts is now available at the following address:

The TRAC Data Intepreter is a new kind of data tool for generating annual reports about every one of the nation's districts. In addition to the number of prosecutions and convictions, long-term trend information is available for different laws and program categories as well as by the investigative agencies. While the creation of the new reports is included with a TRACFED subscription, there is a small online charge for other users. The Data Interpreter is located at this address:

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Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University
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