Detainees Leaving ICE Detention from the
Kennesaw City Jail
Kennesaw, Georgia

Detainees Deported or Released
Number last 12 months 1
Out of total detained 1
Earlier years:
previous 12 months 0
FY 2005 1,028
FY 2000 45

Table 1: Number leaving ICE detention
from this facility

During the most recent 12 month period for which data are available, one detainee housed at the Kennesaw City Jail left that facility because he/she was deported, was released under supervision while his/her case was being decided, or left ICE detention for one of a variety of other reasons. The use of this facility for the temporary housing of federal immigration detainees was arranged through an intergovernmental service agreement (IGSA) under which payments by ICE to another governmental agency are made for housing federal detainees. Additional information about the arrangement, including whether a private company may operate the facility for the government, was not available at the time this report was posted.

This report focuses on just those individuals who actually left ICE detention. Sometimes this report speaks of these individuals as those "exiting" ICE detention, or simply as "exits." This does not include individuals who were transferred to a different ICE detention facility. For more information on this facility, including individuals that were transferred, see additional TRAC reports in this series.

This report series is based upon analyses conducted by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University of 3.4 million government records tracking each individual who passed through an ICE detention facility during the past decade. The most recent 12 month period for which comprehensive data are available is for April 2007 through March 2008. See About the Data.

Trends in the Number of Detainees Leaving ICE Detention

Greater detail on these long-term trends for those leaving ICE detention from the Kennesaw City Jail are displayed in Figure 1. Here the month-by-month number of exits are graphed against the backdrop of the total detainees leaving the custody of this facility. Exits are displayed with darker shading while those transferred appear with lighter shading. As is readily apparent, considerable variation has occurred over time in both the overall numbers of detainees as well as the volume leaving ICE detention during this period.

Bar chart of fymondt

Figure 1: Month-by-month number of detainees leaving this facility

Exit trends are also summarized by fiscal year in Table 2. Year-by-year figures for the Kennesaw City Jail are given for the total number of detainees as compared with those leaving ICE detention from the facility. The percent of detainees that left ICE detention is also given. (As mentioned above, the remaining detainees were transferred to another ICE detention facility.) Because data for all twelve months of the most recent fiscal year are not yet available, the FY 2008 numbers (October 2007 through September 2008) are estimated based upon reporting for the first six months.

Fiscal Year ICE Detainees
Total Exits Percent
1999 1 1 100 %
2000 49 45 92 %
2001 236 206 87 %
2002 1,123 804 72 %
2003 2,526 1,362 54 %
2004 2,410 1,272 53 %
2005 1,649 1,028 62 %
2006 0 0 -
2007 0 0 -
2008 (est) 2 2 100 %

Table 2: Number of detainees leaving
this facility over the last decade

Exit Details for the Last Twelve Months

Information on each of the individuals who left ICE detention from the Kennesaw City Jail during the last 12 months is provided in the following table. The reason the individual left detention is shown. For a description of each of these categories, see "Reasons for Leaving ICE Detention."

Book In Date Release Date Nationality Gender Reason Left DHS Detention DCO
04/07/2003 10/03/2007 El Salvador M Deported/Removed Atlanta, GA

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